General News

The website will be updated for Growing Together soon!

Hi everyone, Pinstar and I are in the process of selling our house and have been extremely busy with that and moving to a new state and what not.

We have not had a chance to even purchase Growing Together yet, let alone play it. With that in mind, we also haven’t been able to playtest it for rule adjustments. We will try and get this all updated as soon as we can, but with all of the showings happening at our house, there will be delays.

Thank you for your patience!

Posted by Mystic in General News

Paradox Announces a Competitor to The Sims

On Monday, March 6, Paradox Interactive announced a new game called Life By You. It appears that it will be a simulation game and a competitor to The Sims franchise.

Paradox Interactive is responsible for incredible games like Cities: Skylines (a successful competitor to Sim City), Crusader Kings (Sims meets RPG set in medieval times), and may other games. Not only that, but Rod Humble (a creator of Sims 2 and Sims 3) is also on the team working on this new game.

With this sort of gaming pedigree, Pinstar and I are extremely optimistic that this will be a viable competitor for a franchise that has had a monopoly on this particular type of life Sim genre for decades.

Also, for those of you wondering, yes, if we are able to make a Legacy Challenge (along with any other of our challenges) for this game, we will be.

Paradox will be releasing more info on March 20th, so stay tuned!

Posted by Mystic in General News

Tales From The Hard Drive: Finding Love In The Sims Legacy Challenge

I am super hecking late in posting about this as the video released when I was dealing with some incredibly stressful real-life stuff, but I wanted to let you all know (in case you missed it) that Pinstar and I were featured on PC Gamer’s series “Tales From The Hard Drive” where we discussed the Legacy Challenge for the Sims and how it played an important role in our meeting and eventually getting married.

If you want to watch it, check it out!

Posted by Mystic in General News

Updates to the Random Trait Generator

Hello everyone! With all of my recent playtesting for upcoming Legacy Challenge rule changes on my Twitch channel, I noticed that both the Strangerville Mystery and Beach Life aspirations do NOT require you to move to those locations to complete them (unlike City Native). Since that’s the case, I have added them to the random trait generator.

As always if you don’t have either the Strangerville or Island Living packs you do not have to do those aspirations and simply reroll.

(The Amazon links are affiliate links)

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules

Updates and the Future of the Legacy Challenge

Hi everyone! Apologies for the lack of updates lately. The holiday season really took a lot out of us and January didn’t really leave a lot of time to look into the new packs and what not.

First off, Pinstar and I have been talking and we think that we’d like to get back into working on the Legacy Challenge rules again. We don’t like the idea of just outright abandoning the challenge, especially when so many new packs have added some stuff to the game. So we will be slowly working on playtesting and updating the rules with the newer packs. This might take a while as we are a bit behind, but we will work on it when we can.

Also, NerdyBunny has updated her printable scoresheet! You can check it out on her Tumblr.

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules

Updates for Island Living

Now that The Sims 4 Island Living * has been released there are some updates to the Legacy Challenge that I wanted to mention.

First off, the Random Trait Generator has been updated to include the two new traits (Child of the Islands and Child of the Ocean). As always if you do not have a particular expansion pack and roll one of its traits, simply roll again.

We are NOT adding the new Aspiration (Beach Life) to the trait generator as it is a location based aspiration and will not work with the Legacy rules.

The new “Off the Grid” lot trait can be used as you see fit just like all other lot traits. This one might add a fun layer of difficulty to the Legacy Challenge that we haven’t seen before. We are not, however, making any official rules for it at this time.

Finally, several of you have been asking if you can use the new in-game trait/aspiration generator for the Legacy Challenge and the answer is yes. However, keep in mind that our trait generator factors in the traits of the parents when randomizing the traits. I don’t believe (though I could be wrong) that the game’s version will do that. We will leave it up to you on which one you want to use. Our trait generator will remain active and updated for each new pack. For those of you that prefer it.

*The Amazon link is an affiliate link. This means we get a commission for purchases made there.

Posted by Mystic in General News

The Positivity Challenge and Our Challenges

We’ve been getting a few questions about the current in-game challenge in The Sims 4 called “The Positivity Challenge” and if it was allowed while playing our challenges. I wanted to give you all a general rundown of where this challenge will be allowed and where it won’t be. So here we go!

The Positivity Challenge is an official challenge for The Sims 4 and is running from November 13th to December 4th. For more information on how to participate you can get information in-game or by checking out the official Sims website.

Posted by Mystic in General News, The Sims 4

Get Famous Aspirations Added to the Random Trait Generators

Hello everyone! Over the course of the next week or two Pinstar and I will be updating some of our challenges for the new expansion pack, Get Famous. Currently we are still working on playtesting many aspects of the new expansion, so we don’t have any solid gameplay rule changes/updates yet. However, I did update the Random Trait Generators to include the two newest aspirations added in this pack, “Master Actor/Actress” and “World-Famous Celebrity”. So it is now possible to randomly get those aspirations when using the generators.

As always, if you do not own this pack, you can re-roll to get a different aspiration.

UPDATE: I just realized there was a new trait added as well (I need more caffeine today… I completely missed it at first) so that too has been added to the Random Trait Generators!

I will be keeping you all posted for any and all updates that we make to our challenges over the next several days, so stay tuned!


FTC: The Get Famous link is an Amazon affiliate link which gives us a small commission if it is used. If you'd rather not use that link to buy the expansion, you can purchase Get Famous on Origin.
Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Sims 4 News, The Sims 4

Adding/Updating New Content to the Website. Ideas needed!

Hi everyone! If you follow me on Twitter then you know that I have decided to discontinue my Youtube and Twitch channels indefinitely. Content creation on those two platforms just doesn’t work out for me with my already busy IRL schedule. However, now that I have made that decision that leaves me some extra time to work on the website again and I’d like to start adding new content here as well as making sure I keep up with the already existing content (something I haven’t always been great with in the past).

So I am wondering what you all would like to see added or updated on here? I am definitely considering starting up some written challenge series again (like what I did with the Sims 2 Legacy I was working on a year ago), but I’d like to add some new stuff as well. Also, are there any changes/updates to any of our currently existing challenges that you’d like to see? I know I’ve been getting questions about the Apocalypse Challenge, but Pinstar has decided not to continue updating that one (and we have a fellow Simmer currently working on updating the rules for that). However, I am willing to update any of the other challenges as needed. So please let me know your thoughts!

Posted by Mystic in General News, Legacy Challenge Rules, Other Challenges, The Sims 4